Bothered by textures on body face or hands, having nails cut, hair combed |
Bothered by background noise, loud, unexpected sounds |
Avoids movement activities (swings, climbing, playground activities) |
Doesn’t feel pain, doesn’t notice when touched |
Avoids eye contact |
Unaware of body sensations such as hunger, hot cold, need to
use toilet |
Doesn’t seem to notice sensory stimuli (smells, noisy crowded
places |
Constantly on the move, seeks intense crashing or rough play |
Has difficulty sitting still, wiggles a lot, especially iftrying to pay
attention |
Makes disruptive noises or sounds |
Has poor balance, falls easily, avoids balance-related activities
(bike riding) |
Has poor endurance, is weak and gets tired easily, avoids
physical activity |
Slumps when sits in a chair or on the floor, uses arms/hands to
support self |
Difficulty learning new motor activities or those requiring steps |
Clumsy, awkward, accident prone, bumping into people or
objects |
Difficulty organizing/takes a long time to perform daily life
tasks |
Struggles with fine motor skills, like handwriting |
Struggles with fine motor skills, like handwriting |
Visual difficulty: often loses place, eyes skip one or more lines |
Cannot follow directions in a noisy environment |
Has difficulty completing puzzles |
Has difficulty identifying different sounds or letters |
Has difficulty judging force required for a task |
Cannot find pictures hidden in background |
Difficulty finding numbers or words on page (esp. math or
reading tasks) |