
M. Bazterrica
LIFT Educational Academy has been amazing. It’s been transformative for my daughter. She’s gotten a lot of self confidence, improvement in her capabilities at school, and she has become a blossomed flower. The teachers here understand that every child has unlimited potential and they tap into that potential with a great deal of science , knowledge, and love for education.

J. Ryder
We finally came to our senses and realized that tutoring was not going to help Sammy in school. He needed a new school that works for him… not against him. Thank you Dr. Redler for convincing us that LIFT Educational Academy was the best choice for our son. Sammy is thriving and we couldn’t be any happier.

C. Resnick
When our son’s pediatrician convinced us to speak with you before starting James on medication to deal with his distractions and attention deficits, we never imagined it would make such a noticeable difference. Please thank your entire staff for their part in improving our son’s life in and beyond school.

J. Costa
As a 12 year education veteran, I can absolutely vouch for LIFT Educational Academy’s curriculum and the amazing success it had for my own child.

M. Hernandez
As a parent I wanted my daughter to catch up with the rest of her peers, and after starting LIFT Educational Academy she not only caught up but she excelled! Thank you.

K. Smithers
Dr. Redler and the entire staff at LIFT Educational Academy. I can not believe how far my son has gone with your program. It far exceeded every expectation we had and every hope we desired.
Our Students at LEA
Creative, intelligent, sensitive, and inquisitive. They are typical boys and girls who have atypical but fixable learning deficiencies and cognitive disorders.